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This is a Python Script to generate certificates and mail them to invidually in Bulk for competetions, workshops, classroom material distribution, etc.


  1. Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/scienmanas/CertiMailer

    or you can download the zip and extract the files

  2. Add the details of the participants in the names.csv file before running the program.

  3. Add the certificate template in the template folder. Make sure the template you upload should be names as sample.pdf or sample.png

  4. The certificates will be generated in the certificates folder and the mails will be sent to the participants


For Windows

  1. Open the Powershell and navigate to the cloned/downloaded repository location.

  2. Run the command
    Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
  3. To start the application run the following command in terminal (One time)

For Linux

  1. Open the terminal and navigate to the cloned/downloaded repository location.

  2. To start the application run the following command in terminal (One time)
    chmod +x certimailer.sh
  3. To start the script everytime run command

Note & Customization


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

The repository is free to use but copying this is strictly prohibited.




This project can be configured according with more diverse features such as printing events name too, if you are a coder, you can itself do it by changing the dimensions and functionality of the script.

If you want custom script for your organization, I can do it according to your organization need charging according to the amount of feautures needed. Drop me an email at iamscientistmanas@gmail.com for the same.

Help & Features

Demo Videos

Demo for png & deterning coordinates for png sample:


Demo for pdf:

Running for pdf sample


Determining coordinates for pdf sample



Feautres under development